Kossi Elf’s 25-Day Adventure: Kossi Elf Stands with Victor Elf for the Brumbies

Today, Kossi Elf stands shoulder to shoulder with his cousin, Victor Elf, looking out over the Barmah Brumby Sanctuary. It’s a place of hope and safety, where 73 Brumbies, once destined for eradication, now call home. Built years ago through the dedication of the Barmah Brumby Preservation Group and the unwavering support of people who believed in their mission, the sanctuary remains a testament to what can be achieved when hearts come together for a cause.

But today, the sanctuary is struggling. Financial strain and a lack of volunteers now threaten its future. Kossi Elf knows this struggle too well, the burden of protecting Australia’s heritage horses is heavy. As he stands beside Victor Elf, he offers not just solidarity but a call to action. This sanctuary was created by people who refused to let these Brumbies face eradication and bullets, and now, it needs that same strength and commitment to keep going.

It’s Christmas, a season of giving, love, and hope. Let’s make this a Christmas where the Barmah Brumbies know they haven’t been forgotten! We’ve rallied before to create this sanctuary, and we can do it again to keep it alive. Every dollar matters. Every effort counts.

Let’s show up for the Barmah Brumbies today! These horses have no voice but ours. Let’s not let them down!

If you can make a donation to support the BBPG that would be wonderful.
Bank Details for Donations:
Account Name: Barmah Brumby Preservation Group
Bank: Bendigo Bank
BSB: 633 000
Account Number: 152 169 702
Reference: Your Name


Kossi Elf’s 25-Day Adventure: Kossi Elf Asks the Hard Questions


Kossi Elf’s 25-Day Adventure: Kossi Elf’s Reflection on the Human Battle for Brumbies