Kossi Elf’s 25-Day Adventure: Kossi Elf Prepares to Fly
Today, Kossi Elf stands at the edge of a great height, a mountain peak, a rugged rock. He feels the pull of the unknown, the thrill of what could be, and the weight of what lies ahead.
His wings are ready, but they’ve never been tested. He’s on the brink of a humongous leap of faith, knowing the moment he jumps, he’ll have to trust the journey to guide him.
It’s the kind of moment we can all face, the one where everything we’ve worked for is within reach, yet taking that final step feels like stepping off into the void.
The “what ifs” are loud:
What if I fall?
What if I fail?
But there’s another whisper, quiet but insistent:
What if I fly?
Kossi Elf knows that angel wings aren’t given to everyone. They’re for those who are ready to let go, to trust, and to embrace the unknown.
Standing there ready, he realises that learning to fly isn’t about certainty; it’s about courage.
It’s about believing that even if you don’t know how it will all land, the leap is worth it.
This Christmas, Kossi Elf reminds us to take that leap of faith. Wings only work when we’re willing to soar.