Kossi Elf’s 25-Day Adventure: Kossi Elf is Celebrating Summer's First Milestone

Today marks a very special day, it's SSE Summer's first birthday!
Exactly one year ago, this beautiful Brumby foal lost her freedom in KNP, no longer being a part of her family mob and began her journey of love, nurturing, and growth with Foster Carer Donna Pratt.

In these past 12 months, Summer has flourished into a stunning young horse. Her DNA results from Texas A&M University reveal a fascinating lineage: her first genetic hit is Waler, followed by Turkoman and Hanoverian.She truly embodies the heritage and diversity of her ancestors.

A huge shout out to Donna Pratt, whose dedication and heart for foal care are unmatched.

Donna's love, patience, and top-notch care have been instrumental in shaping Summer's bright future and we thank you so very much for all you have done, we're looking forward to finalising the permanent forever life lease for Summer!

Happy 1st Birthday, Summer!


Kossi Elf’s 25-Day Adventure: Kossi Elf’s Reflection: Honouring the Heart of Kosciuszko


Kossi Elf’s 25-Day Adventure: Kossi Elf Prepares to Fly